Chris Slutter

Chris Slutter (1972) grew up in a creative family, and furniture and interior design were kindled at an early age. Slutter trained at the AKI Academy for Visual Arts and Design in Enschede, graduating in 1997. In that same year, he won the Dutch Furniture Award in the young designers’ category with the leaning lamp Lazy and received an honourable mention in the Industrial Product Quality category. After completing his education, Slutter worked on several diverse projects and designs in Enschede, the Netherlands for three years. Hereafter, he opened his own design studio in Amsterdam. Slutter currently works there as an independent designer.

Slutter’s work can best be described as a continuous search for a simpler form of design and how the design process influences the end product. By using this approach, he can place the materials he uses at the center of his designs to be fully appreciated by the user. This process forms a functional basis which is expressed through clarity and quality in the end product. Slutter’s designs are always produced in smaller batches, because he also makes 3D prototypes for his clients to properly display the vision of the product before starting production. Slutter mostly works for multinationals and architects, but is also active in the private sector.

Designs by Chris Slutter