Bos en Couvée

Ariëtte Bos and Tom Couvée founded the Rotterdam-based industrial design firm Bos & Couveé in 1992. The studio is known for its creativity, ingenuity and pursuit of perfection. With design as the fundamental idea, crafty products are created in a beautiful workshop with great facilities. Apart from industrial design, the studio also focuses on model making and the development of prototypes. Due to this expertise, products can be developed from a concept or a simple idea to a working and functional product. The design duo also passes this particular knowledge on to students, through workshops and courses at academies and schools.

Bos en Couvée also put a lot of energy in educational projects. They helped develop a variety of projects in collaboration with different art foundations in the Netherlands. The results have been produced on a small scale. These projects range from elementary schools to high schools as well as projects for schools in refugee centres to teach people Dutch, among other things. The main goal of all these projects and mobile expositions is to teach, participate, and experience art, culture and fun facts. Another goal of the educational projects is to develop new skills and insights through co-creation and collaboration with a wide selection of people.

Designs by Bos en Couvée